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Cats in the northern savannas
With Tadeu G. de Oliveira, Breno C. Lima, Laís S. Everton, Renata S. Pereira

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-26 at

Northern Tiger Cats at Mirador State Park

Mirador State Park

Mirador State Park

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WhatsApp Image 2018-12-06 at

Felid community at Mirador State Park

WhatsApp Image 2018-11-27 at

Projeto Gatos do Mato Brasil

Projeto Gatos do Mato Brasil

Projeto Gatos do Mato Brasil

Projeto Gatos do Mato Brasil

Projeto Gatos do Mato Brasil

About the field:

We appreciate the support of MbZ for our work in Mirador State Park

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Cats in the semi-arid Caatinga - PB
With Tadeu G. de Oliveira, Lester Fox Rosales

Field work in 2018
In August 2018, after a very long hiatus (due to lack of proper funds) we manage to install cameras at Fazenda Tamanduá Private Reserve in the semi-arid Caatinga of Paraíba State. Here are some of the cats that have shown up so far! 


Cats in the semi-arid Caatinga - BA
With Lyse Panelli de Meira, Alex R. Pereira

Updates from the Caatinga in Bahía:

Towards the end of October, 2018, project members Lyse and Alex found this beautiful young margay on a camera at broad daylight in the proper Caatinga woodland forest! In fact at the Caetité site several of our margay pictures are at daylight. Why this activity pattern? We are currently working on solving this question.

WhatsApp Image 2018-12-06 at

And good news keep coming from our site in the Caatinga mosaic of Bahía State, where Lyse and Alex just retrieved this beautiful photo of a Northern Tiger Cat. 

WhatsApp Image 2018-12-05 at

Cats in the Araucaria Forest
With Rosane V. Marques

São Francisco de Paula National Forest


Cats in the Pampa
With Felipe B. Peters, Fábio D. Mazim, José Bonifácio G. Soares, Marina O. Favarini, Ana Paula Albano

Cats in the Amazon
With Tadeu Gomes de Oliveira

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