Who benefits from wild cat conservation?
Although at Wild Cats Brazil we focus on the small species of felids, the truth is that cat conservation benefits all the other wildlife that shares the same habitat. Routinely several species of medium and large mammals show up in our camera traps; some of these species are threatened at the national level. Furthermore a big part of our cat research is being carried out in the Cerrado and Caatinga biomes, both of which are highly threatened. By conserving small cats, we are contributing to the conservation of many other species. In Mirador for example, the Northern Tiger Cat shares its home with 28 species of medium/large mammals. The small cats are indeed working as ambassadors for their habitats!
Projeto Gatos do Mato Brasil
Projeto Gatos do Mato Brasil
Projeto Gatos do Mato Brasil
Projeto Gatos do Mato Brasil
The threatened savannas of the Brazilian Cerrado in Mirador State Park
The semi arid Caatinga of Fazenda Tamanduá